We communicate in different ways. We can show displeasure with a look, or the tone of voice we use when talking to someone. In fact Body Language and Tone of Voice can easily give us away when we say one thing and mean another.
But in the same way we use our bodies or voice to communicate, it is possible to do similar using text. Send someone an eMail or letter in BOLD CAPITALS and you will get their attention.
It is obvious that when communication with someone, whether they are a customer or supplier or our tone of voice, body language or even our actions can betray us.
So how must one act when dealing with with people. Well, you need to be professional about it. Let's say you would normally go to work in jeans and t shirt. But one day you are meeting a new client for the first time. You do not know them, you have no clue what would make them feel that you are the right person or not the right person for the job.
The first thing you do is you change into an outfit that is better suited for the meeting. An important rule to remember, you can never be overdressed, ties and jackets can be removed, sleeves can be rolled up, but arrive at a meeting in shorts and t shirt when everyone else is wearing a suit and tie and you will be at a distinct disadvantage and your appearance could be taken as insulting.
The next thing you need to remember when meeting someone for the the first time, is step up to them, hold out your hand to shake theirs and say, “Hello, Mr Jones, how do you do, I am Brian Smith” If you know his name, use it. When shaking hands, use a firm grip but do not squeeze.
These actions communicate a lot about you. As a young adult and as a student, casual dress may be acceptable, but they do not have to deal with new customers or bank managers.
Some of your communication will be phone and unless you are Skype or similar, the person on the other side cannot see you, which means they will use your voice as an indication of what you are really saying. A lesson I learnt working a travel consultant, is to smile. That simple act makes your tone of voice more pleasant.
You know your business, you know your customers and your market, make sure when you communicate with them face to face by phone or face to face, that you do not give them cause to doubt you.