Thursday, July 16, 2009

I get really mad!

I woke up one day and found I had no job and no income. Suddenly it became a struggle to pay my bond and hp installments on my car.

I tried to find work and even worked driving a taxi for a while. The pay was lousy, the hours long, but bills got paid and food got put on the table. Unfortunately, it did not last. So after a lot of soul searching, I decided to turn my freelancing into a formal business and went it full time

So when Government Doctors who are earning a salary go on strike I get mad! Because for a start, doctors provide an essential service to the community, may be they are paid badly but at least they are paid.

I wonder if they realise that there is a recession and that there are many people with out an income. I have not been able to pay my self a salary yet. I work even longer hours than I did when I drove a Taxi.

So when I hear someone who gets an income every one go on strke, I get mad!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I recent posted an article about using Facebook and Twitter to promote your business. Another tool that you can add to your marketing arsenal is Video.

It is not difficult to embed a video into your Web Site and you do not even have to host it on your own server, allowing you to conserve bandwith. Video sharing Web Sites such as YouTube and Zoopy asslow you to store your video on their servers and embed it into your site.

Oprah and Jamie Oliver have taken it one step further and have their own channels on YouTuble, promoting their products.

So what are you waiting for?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Social Media Networks.

Social Media Networks such as FaceBook and Twitter are being hyped as the next big marketing thing. But are they?

In the short-term, the answer is no. But we are not in business for the short term, are we? So how can you benefit from Social Media in the long term?

Remember a few years back, you printed out a newsletter, once a month and distributed it to your customers. Then, came along e-mail, and you stared to email the newsletter, saving on printing costs.

But your customer base is constantly changing and people are becoming more computer and Internet savvy. Broadband is wildly available and the cost is set to come down. Enter Facebook.

At once stage FaceBook was the territory of the young, but remember the young grow up. They marry and move away, they have children. So now, Grandparents use FaceBook to keep up to date with their grandchildren. So what was once the almost exclusive territory of the young, is more wildly accepted by your potential customers.

But it does not stop there. All of a sudden, you are being told that Twitter is the next best thing.

Remember, the email newsletter, that was quite a step forward for the many non-tech savvy mangers and business owners out there. Guys who tend to be resistant to change (yes, they still exist.)

That email is still the core of your online marketing. It allows you get information out quickly. But your clients are getting more and more emails daily and may not get a chance to read your newsletter. So you need to compliment it.

You post the information on your blog (on line journal) You start a FaceBook Group and post the information there. But where does Twitter come in?

Twitter is a the best way of distributing information immediately. Because of the amount of information being distributed through Twitter, most subscribers will keep twitter open to monitor the Tweets. There are many differant clients available which you can keep open without opening your browser. Use the Seesmic Desktop which you can use to follow both FaceBook and Twitter.

Whilst using FaceBook and Twitter will not produce the millions of clients that the so-called gurus are predicting, they will play an important part of your online marketing strategy and help to get your message across.

Friday, May 15, 2009

David vs Goliath

Linux is a threat to Microsoft because it is Open Source. Remember that open source does not mean free, it means that the source code is there for you to take free and do with it what you what you want. So there are many different versions of Linux out there, most of them are available free to download and use.

Is it really such a good thing to have so many differant operating systems out there? Actually it is not a problem. Many versions of Linux are written for a specific market or to perform a specific task. The majority of Linux users will use one of the better know distributions such as Debian or Ubuntu.

But Linux currently only has 1 percent of the desktop market, so why is it such a threat to Microsoft. Because of the freedom that Linux gives you. You never have to buy another operating system ever! You can download the source code, design your own operating system, which you can distribute free and keep it updated yourself.

Will it make you rich? No, but it will prevent you from spending money that you can use elsewhere.

Will Microsoft come tumbling down, like Goliath, not really. But they will continue to get annoyed by something they have no control over - free enterprise!.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I love Ubuntu and hate Windows.

My Windows XP crashed again and pissed me off again. (sounds like Forest Gump going to see the President again!) I have been using Linux more and more and Windows less and less. So this time I made a decision that I would no longer use Microsoft products at home or in my business.

For the last week I have done just that, used only Linux. And guess what, the world did not come to an end!

no Windows, no Mac, only Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora, Mandriva and any other flavour of Linux that you care to name

Sorry Bill but your products suck!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Web Standards or Lack Thereof.

One Web Site that I visit daily is Design/HTML. What I have learnt here, has influenced how I approach my work.

Jennifer Kyrnin who runs the site, provides information in a simple, easy way to read. The one thing that she does not budge is that when designing or developing a web site, that Web Site Design Standards must be followed.

It took me a while to stop using tables in laying out a Web Page, but once I embraced CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), I was hooked. I have have better control over how I lay out a Web Page.

When I decided to stop freelancing after hours and go into business for my self, I looked at Web Site Designers in Cape Town to see what my opposion is. I was horrified to discover that most of the designers whose potfolios I looked at, still use tables.

The Sites I looked at looked really good. So, why I am pointing out their use of tables? Simple, the Internet is evolving fast and new Browsers as well as upgardes to existing browsers are being released all the time. And with every new release or upgrade, they become more standards compliant, and sites that have not been designed with Web Site Standards in mind will not perform as wells as those that follow the Standards.

Why do theses designers not bother to follow current design standards? They are aiming for a quicker turnaround. Except if they took the time to work with Styles Sheets, they would soon be turning out their work just as fast.

Do it right the first time, and you will not have a mess to sort out later!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

And finally:

A red-head, a brunette and a blonde perform a Post Office robbery. They are on the run from the police and they have to ditch their car and go cross country.

They are all getting tired and happen across an old farm with a huge barn. Sneaking inside the barn, they see three old flour sacks. They all hide in separate sacks.

The police enter the barn and upon seeing the sacks, kick the first one containing the redhead. The redhead says "Woof!".

"Nothing in here but a dog sarge" says the constable. "We'd better move on".

They kick the sack containing the brunette. "Miaow!" she says.

"Nothing in here but a cat sarge. Better move on".

They kick the sack containing the blonde and the blonde says "Potatoes!"

This and that: - whats new and interesting.

Neotel has teamed up with MTN and Vodacom to bring cheaper broadband to South Africa. Speaking of, check out their fantastic offer on Internet and Telephones.

Want to follow the elections, The Times has set a special site that features all the parties.

Blame The Naked Chef and, but our food tastes are becoming more sophisticated. Foodista is an online Food and Cooking Encyclopedia any one can edit.

Social Media

Facebook is not the exclusive terrority of teens. It is a very powerful tool that can get your message over to a group of people easily and fast. By now, we all aware that US President Barack Obama used it very successfully to reach the tech savvy younger voter.

But you do not have to be tech savvy to use Facebook, you don't even have to be young. Families stay in touch on Facebook. Children overseas place photo albums on face book and keep parents up to date. Because you can use the Internet, any where any place, you can stay in touch even when overseas.

The social nature of Facebook makes it the ideal tool to reach your audience and interact with them.
Feedback is immediate, which can help you stay ahead of your competion.

Facebook is free to use and can help to reach your existing clients as well as new ones. It is a good tool to have in your marketing tool box.

Free and Open Source Software.

The handiest software on any computer has to be an office suite. It allows you make presentations, write letters and make up spread sheets. If you use Microsoft Windows, you would automatically expect that you have to use Microsoft Office. Wrong, you have a choice.

The standard version of Microsoft Office retails at about R4000.00. Far too expensive for the average user. So, what is the alternative. By far the best is an Open Source Product that is standard on most Linux Distributions today, called Open Office.

The latest version of Open Office can be downloaded free from the Internet or burnt on to a CD at the Freedom Toaster. Open Office is administrated by a community of very enthusiastic people, further more Sun Microsystems is involved.

Open office is easy to use and has the normal windows feel to it. Documents can be saved in several formats including Microsoft Word, Excel or Power Point which means you can exchange documents with anyone using Microsoft Office.

Updates are released regularly and are also free. At price tag of ZERO, why have you not switched?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Newsletter April 2009

It is almost Easter. Time tends to fly out the door as you get older. When we were children, it took forever to go from birthday to birthday. Now, we just blink and we are another year older.

What's happening at Solutions Web.

In order not to get further into debt, I decided not seek a start up loan but rather Bootstrap the business. Whilst this means that we may be moving at a slower pace than we would like to, we carry little or no debt forward.

This does not mean that I am not doing anything at the moment. I still manage to work a twelve hour day, between setting up the accounts and administration and organisng a marketing campaign as well doing a complete revamp of our Web Site, I have my hands full.

Newsflash! Our new postal address — PO Box 1205 Cape Town 8000

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tme flies!

It is March already and soon it will be easter. My area marketing campaign is keeping me busy. Watch this space, 'cos something big is about to happen!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February already!

The holidays are behind us and time for some serious work. Been playing with the idea of redesigning Banners and Logos, Stationery and of course the Web Site. A work in progress but here is a teaser of what is to come.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So what is new?

We are busy setting up our accounts, registering with SARS, organizing new stationery and generally putting news systems in place.

Working for yourself, sure is hard work. Fun, but hard work.

Portable Software

Life is mobile. We move from one PC at home to another a work to another at a client. Often, our favorite tools are not available on the PC we are currently using. A more convenient way is to carry the program around with you on a memory stick.

There are a great many portable programs available. Portable Apps is one of the best collections available. Not only is there a comprehensive list of software available, it comes with its own launcher. It is spyware free, open source and best of all free!

Include is a Office Suite (Open Office) Email Client (ThunderBird) a Internet Browser (Firefox) and an Antivirus Program (ClamWin).

Why not give it a try, you have nothing to lose.!

Portable Apps are only for Windows at the stage, but there is a Mac on a Stick included in the collection.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do you "tweet"?

A very crazy question, unless of course you have heard of Twitter. Twitter describes it self as:

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

It is quick, simple and immediate. You do not even have to have your browser open. I use a Adobe Air application called "twhirl".

There are other apps available, do a search on Google and choose the one you like.

Twitter can be used for many things, just to let your friends know what you are doing or going to do. It has obvious benefits for business, like getting news out quickly.

If you want to  follow me on Twitter, my user name is "mcvtoo".

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

I would like to wish my clients and friends a Happy New Year. May 2009 be a good year for us all.